Happy Hemp day all,
I’m back at ya with more CBD, today I wanted to come on and talk more about how CBD can help with skin problems.
Cannabinoids have shown to act both as immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory agents in skin diseases, as much as in other immune-mediated pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergic asthma. Both CBD and THC dampen the body’s immune response, which is desired for conditions related to an overactive immune system.
Since there are cannabinoid receptors in cells throughout the skin, it is possible to address a dermatological condition both with systemic and topical remedies. We have to remember that the real therapeutic potential of cannabinoids is far from being exploited, and nobody is today able to translate lab results and patients’ experiences into a standardized clinical practice.
That said, the complete absence of adverse effects from CBD makes this cannabinoid a perfect phytotherapic substance. CBD oil has a significant amount of anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative characteristics that can act against the symptoms of psoriasis.
Other cannabis topicals that help with psoriasis symptoms are balms, creams, or salves, infused with CBD, THC, or a combination of cannabinoids. While medical cannabis topicals and edibles have little or zero factors of toxicity, smoking cannabis can actually irritate conditions like psoriasis.
In most cases CBD balms and oils actually relieve damaged skin, yet the benefits from the use of this herb are highly dependent on the quality of the extract, as much as on the patient’s particular condition. Some people saw their psoriasis vanish, others just experienced less inflammation and itching.
I’ve been using Hemp and CBD based body lotions for my own psoriasis, and it’s gone completely. The doctor used to give me a steroid cream and that was the only thing that got rid of it, not anymore. No more itchy psoriasis for me. Happy Jem.
Check out these results after just one use…
#psorosis #ezcema #skincare
PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.
I’m gonna leave it here for today, but could CBD help you? I’d love to chat with you and see if we could help you start living the healthy life you deserve via CBD healing. Drop me an email here! Let’s chat…
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo
P.S. Have you joined my CBD community yet? Learn more about CBD and check out my amazing products.
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