Hey there my Flawsome friend,
How you doing?
Making small changes over a period of time is proven to help you succeed even more long term.
Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t about strict diet limitations, trying to be unrealistically thin or depriving yourself of foods you love. For me, it’s all about feeling great, having more energy, improving my outlook on life and stabilising my mood.
There is some very overwhelming and conflicting diet advice out there, don’t be discouraged, you’re not alone.
Let me help you cut through this confusion and learn how to create a healthier lifestyle that is good for your mind and body.
I’ve created my free 7 Day challenge, to help you make these small changes, to help create bigger long term changes to help you find you again.
Included in the challenge is my top tips guide and my 7 days to a More Flawsome You! Journal, to help you succeed.
Via the journaling, self care and the daily tips, you will make small changes over the week, to help find you again. It’s all printable, so you can also re use and refer back to in the future and help you succeed.
You deserve to be your best healthy version of yourself, so you can show up to those around you and give them your best self.
- Think you don’t have enough time to be healthy?
- Do you want to make some healthy changes but don’t know where to start?
- Want to be healthier but don’t want to feel overwhelmed by big changes?
Then why not try my 7 day challenge?! It’s completely FREE!
What do you get?
- 7 Days of Motivational emails from me (Flawsome Jem)
- My exclusive 7 Day Journal ‘7 Days to a More Flawsome You!’
- Healthy Tips and Ideas
- Self Care Ideas
- A HIIT Workout
- A Green Smoothie Recipe
- 2 x Main Meal Recipes
- Support and Advice from Flawsome Jem via email for the 7 days
- Much more…
Let’s make some small changes to help Find YOU Again!
Sign up here!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on making small changes, I love to receive mail from you guys so please email me, and we can get to know each other better.
If you would like some support making these small changes, let’s chat.
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo