Food Prepping and How It Helps Me (Top Tips Mini Series)

Hey there my Flawsome Friend,
How you doing? Well I hope!
Living a healthy lifestyle is not about strict diet limitations, trying to be unrealistically thin or depriving yourself of the foods you love. For me, it’s all about feeling great, having more energy, improving my outlook on life and stabilising my mood.
There is some very overwhelming and conflicting diet advice out there, don’t be discouraged, you’re not alone.

Let me help you cut thought all this confusion and learn how to create a healthier lifestyle that is good for mind and body.
Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, become fitter, feel better, feel stronger, have more energy, check out my tips to help achieve a healthier improved you.

Continuing on with my mini series about Top Tips to a Healthier Lifestyle, today we are going to talk about Food Prepping and why it’s so important to help you succeed.

  • Preparation is key!
  • So make your own healthy meals and treats.
  • Have plenty or spices, fresh herbs and lemons in your fridge/cupboard. It’s amazing what a bit of this and that adds to dish. And your diet. Experiment with your dinner tonight!
  • Regardless of what you’re doing, preparing yourself in advance give you the best foundation to accomplish those goals. Try preparing all your food in advance to ensure that you do not eat unhealthy foods or skip meals.
  • Shop once a week-stock up the fridge it’s amazing how much easier being healthy is if the foods there.
  • One day a week set aside time to write down a meal plan, shopping list, go shopping then come home and prep.
  • Prepare more of your own meals-Cooking your own meals means you are in charge of what you eat and can monitor what goes into your food.
  • Read the food labels-It’s important you are aware of what’s in your food, as manufactures often hide large amounts of sugars or unhealthy fats in packaged foods, even food that’s claiming to be healthy.
  • Cook at home-You can control what you eat, what goes into your food and how much you are eating. That makes for a much more detailed entry in your food diaries.

Thank you for reading, I hope you are finding my mini series useful.
If you would like some help with your own Health and Nutrition then I’d love to help you, I can help you in a variety of ways including my via one of Healthy Meal Plans and Recipe Books.
I’d love to share your Flawsome journey’s with you and help you make life as easy as possible. Get in touch today and let’s get started on your own journey together.

I’m off to do some Food Prep for rest of the week, let me know what you are up to today?
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,

Jem xoxo

I am not a dietician or a doctor.
The ideas suggested here, are intended to be used for educational purposes only based on my own personal experiences.
The author ‘Jemma Stevens’ ‘Flawsome Jem’, is not rendering medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe or treat, any disease, condition, injury or illness.
It is imperative before beginning any exercise or nutrition programme, that you receive full medical clearance from your GP (doctor/physician).
Flawsome Jem and Jemma Stevens, claim no responsibility for any person or entity, for any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the use, application or interpretation of the materials presented here.
Please understand there are some links, that I may benefit from financially.
No part of this publication, or any, shall be reproduced, transmitted or sold, in whole, or in part, in any for, without prior written consent from the author.
All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing, are the property of their respective owners.
Flawsome Jem (c) 2018.

Food Prepping and How It Helps Me (Top Tips Mini Series)

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