How to Trust Yourself & Your Intuition: The Oxford English Dictionary defines intuition as “the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process”. Isaac Asimov said of it, “Intuition is the art, peculiar to the human mind, of working out the correct answer from data that is, in […]
How To Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires
How To Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires: Energy stealers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is an Energy Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case the vampire is sucking our vital energy, […]
How to Choose a Reiki Master
How To Choose A Reiki Master: There are numerous teachers, institutions, training courses, and practitioners of Reiki all over the world to choose from. This can open up a pool of confusion, especially for interested apprentices. As a would-be Reiki student, finding the appropriate Reiki Master can truly be challenging. You should look for a […]
The Magic of Reiki
What is Reiki anyway? Reiki is a kind of holistic therapy that was based on the concept of Eastern energy flow with the conglomeration of seven chakras. Chakras are the energy centers in the human body. According to some of the therapy experts, the human body has seven focal points. The therapy of Reiki concentrates […]
Using Reiki to Clear Negative Energies in Your Home
It is nice to live in a home that is filled with love and light. A house that is enveloped in love and light can help with our growth and healing. A house that is enveloped in negative vibrations can drain us of energy and impede our progress. Homes are pretty much like crystals. They […]
Daily Mood Boosting Rituals
When people think of their mood, they often think of just being in a good mood or a bad mood. But the truth is, there is a lot in between these two extremes. Things like stress, daily habits, physical stress, and so many other factors go into how you feel. Your mood is not just […]
Step by Step Guides to Different Types of Meditation
Meditation takes many forms in today’s society. All have one thing in common. They use concentration techniques to still the mind and stop thought. Various practices exist such as chanting (Mantra), focusing on energy centres in the body (Chakra Meditation), breathing, mindfulness (Mahamudra), loving kindness, formal sitting (Vipassana), expressive practices (Siddha Yoga), and walking to […]
Why Meditation Can Reduce Stress!
People encounter stress everyday, some do at work or school, others at home. While people are usually able to cope with stress, sometimes the burden simply becomes too much that people break down because of it. The Science of Stress In the General Adaptation Syndrome model designed by Hans Selye, there are three stages […]
3 Easy Steps to Create Your Own Meditation Space
Meditation rooms are not always rooms per se, oftentimes, they are just secluded nooks in someone’s home where one can go to to think, relax and meditate. Having a private meditation room, however, is not something that has to be exclusive to yoga practitioners. You too can have your very own meditation room which you […]
Quick Meditation Tips for Busy Empaths
Meditation is one of the techniques often used for stress management. A person who is riddled with problems often finds it hard to focus, which often leads to more problems. Meditation techniques help a person achieve a calm state of mind without having to resort to drugs or relaxation tools and implements. Every step to […]