Happy Hemp Day!
How are you doing?
As most of you know I love cooking and I also love CBD so let’s combine the two together today and talk about how to cook with CBD and I’ll share one of my healthy hemp recipes for you to try it out for yourself!
Hope you enjoy reading and find helpful.
As always, any questions I am always here and happy to help, book a free chat below with myself and let’s get you started on your own healthy Hemp & CBD journey.
Temperature matters in CBD cooking:
CBD can be a bit of a fickle ingredient when it comes to temperatures.
Warming the oil can increase CBD’s effectiveness, but higher temperatures can kill some of the active components.
CBD will begin to evaporate at temperatures higher than 320 to 356 degrees Fahrenheit.
Do not place your CBD oil on direct heat.
Heating the oil at too high temperatures can result in the loss of terpenes, which are compounds that work in conjunction with CBD to increase its overall effects.
Heating CBD too high also tends to bring out more of its bitterness.

Start small, don’t use too much CBD:
When you first start cooking with CBD oil, it’s far too easy to add too much CBD to a recipe, which usually leads to bad flavours, wasted oil, and too much of the compound’s effects.
Less is more, at least when you’re starting out.
Along with the CBD serving size, consider starting with smaller batches.
If the dish turns out good, then you can prepare the recipe again with a larger batch.
This will also help you get more comfortable with different CBD serving sizes, allowing you to make alterations with future recipes so that you can get the most out of your CBD edibles.
Store your CBD oil properly:
When you’re not using your CBD oil, make sure you keep it in a cool, dark place.
Cannabinoids are naturally sensitive to heat and light, leading to overall degradation in potency and quality.
Degraded CBD oil will not be as effective and may impart more bitter, unpleasant flavours into your recipes.

Stick with more refined CBD oils:
Filtered, decarboxylated, and other more refined forms of CBD oils tend to work well with all cooking applications.
Less refined oils may leave an unpleasant aftertaste, especially if you are working with more herb-heavy recipes.

Less refined CBD oil pairs better with strong flavours:
All that said, less-refined or lower quality oils can still be useful in recipes featuring strong flavours, like chocolate or spices.
Unfiltered CBD oils also tend to contain more vitamins and helpful amino acids than their filtered counterparts.
Stir as much as possible:
From guacamole to chocolate chip cookies to soups, make sure you stir in the CBD oil as much as possible, more than you might even think.
This ensures that CBD is evenly distributed throughout the batch so that every bite offers equal potency.

Cooking with CBD is better than drizzling CBD:
It’s always recommended that you mix the oil into your ingredients for optimal flavours, but if you are in a rush, you can drizzle the oil directly onto your food.
It won’t taste as good, but you can still get the desired effects.
Above all, have fun!
As you get more familiar with using CBD oil in your cooking, you can adjust recipes and create custom dishes of your own that taste great and offer the benefits of CBD.

Jemp Chocolate Protein Muffins Recipe:
Makes 12 muffins
– 5 eggs
– 1 can of organic kidney beans
– 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
-1 teaspoon baking powder
– ½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
– 4 tablespoons of hemp seed oil (I used Good Hemp)
– 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
– 1 ½ scoop of cacao Hemp protein powder (I used Raised Spirit)
– 2 table spoon of cacao powder
– 6 x Drops of 10% CBD Tincture (I used Flawsome Jem CBD-available via my website)
For topping-cacao nibs, hemp hearts, desiccated coconut.
You will also need:
-a blender/food processor
-muffin tin,
-measuring spoons and
-a spatula.
How to Make:
-Pre heat oven to 200.
-Chuck everything into blender,
-Blend until smooth,
-Pour batter (will be quite runny) into 12 cupcake cases.
-Top with chosen topping, my favourite is hemp hearts, cacao nibs and desiccated coconut.
-Bake for 15- 20 mins, until start to peel away from cases.
-Allow to cool for a few mins before removing from cases.

There are so many CBD products on the market these days, it can be a minefield.
All product orders now receive my CBD Guide & Tracker, completely free! The perfect tool to support you on your own healthy CBD journey!
Let me help you cut through the confusion. book a free no obligation chat with me below!
Hope you enjoyed reading and found helpful. If you would like to learn more about anything hemp, cannabis or CBD related, let’s chat!
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo
PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.
I am not making any medical claims in this or any of my other publications. All content I produce, is purely for educational purposes and for sharing my own personal knowledge and experiences of CBD.

Ditch the Overwhelm, Look & Feel Healthier Forever!
Start Living that Healthy Life You Deserve!
I can help in a variety of ways including;
- High quality CBD Products,
- 121 & Group Support & Coaching,
- Hemp & CBD Education.
Start Living the Life YOU Deserve!