Hey there my Flawsome friend,
How are you doing?
Just recently within my private community ‘Forever Flawsome’ and I have also had a few of you DM or email me saying you are struggling to stay motivated.
Let me tell you guys, I haven’t been great at it myself.
It’s been very hot (unusual for such prolonged periods in the UK) for weeks here now and as much as I love seeing the sunshine, I’m not too great in this heat. It’s even been pretty warm first thing most mornings and if I haven’t slept so well because of being hot, I’ve been talking myself out of my workouts. And extra treats are sneaking in, so I am committing to you all to ‘find my mojo’ and get back to it all!
Excuses, excuses, I know!
I’ve been feeling ‘bleurgh….’ and I know it’s all totally down to my lack of routine and consistency the last few weeks. Are you feeling like this too?
So this week, I’ve printed off my planners and pencilled in what workouts I would like to do, so I have a plan to follow, if you’re anything like me, if you have a plan written down, I’m more likely to stick to it and then the results follow.
I am going to do 4 workouts this week, a mixture of full body HIIT’s and some yoga. What exercise do you like to do? Choose something you enjoy, make it so much easier to do, if you enjoy it and then the feeling after you have achieved your workout is addictive! I like to X off each completed workout as I go along too and then at the end of the week the feeling of accomplishment is so rewarding!
Same with my meal planning, I’ve used my blank meal planners, I have made a plan and written my shopping list and have restocked up what I need and am going to do a big food prep session this afternoon, so I’ll be organised and set up for the week, this will help me stay on track, if I don’t have to think about messing around cooking for ages after work or grabbing something quick because I’m hungry.
Would you like a quick and easy, family friendly Meal plan to help you?
It just helps make life so much simpler.
At the end of the day we all want a simpler life, and spend more quality time with loved ones and if we aren’t stressing or worrying about exercise or food, then you are winning the battle.
I like to get my workouts in first thing, while it’s still a bit cooler and it also doesn’t affect the rest of my day, I get up a bit earlier, do my workout, followed by a protein based breakfast then have my shower or bath and I’m ready to start the day.
As regard food knowing I know I have good, nutritious food in the fridge ready for me as I need it, helps me stay on track so much more.
Where do you struggle to stay on track the most?
I’d love to help support you and share your own Flawsome healthy journey with you.
Gonna leave it there for today guys.
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo