Happy Saturday!
So my collaboration book has only been out 6 days, nearly a week!
Wow, where does time go? Thank you for all the support so far, we are totally blown away!
Real Life Stories, Volume 1 from Love Thy Body Project.
It is available NOW on Amazon in Kindle version and in print from Monday.
Head to Amazon and grab your copy today!
I have lots more interviews to share in a daily series with each best selling co author of our book.
Today we have Amanda Peddle. I’ll hand over to you, Amanda…
Name, Age & Location:
Amanda Peddle
Kent, UK.

Tell us a bit about you...
I am 51 years young and live and work on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent.
My passion is to enable children and families to approach emotional regulations without shame or stigma.
I have written and developed Nueroeducation programmes and have released two children’s books so far with the third scheduled for early 2021, these books support the programme but also can be used stand alone with families worldwide.
I love my family, first and foremost, I’m lucky to still have my Mum and my Nan, wonderful brothers and sister in laws and their beautiful children.
I adore learning, I am currently enrolled on a Phd Programme, I love the little things, a smell of a flower, listening to rain, watching a candle flicker, the sound of the sea, pebbles.
Why did you decide to share your story?
My own journey was affected by various traumas, and as a mother I have experienced the Special Educational Need Journey as my daughter is diagnosed with ASD & ADHD and associated emotional and mental health difficulties, alongside that she also had fibromyalgia. part of my reason for sharing is to take stock of what I have surpassed and partly to show my daughter that whatever life throws at us, we can stand tall and be warriors.
None of this would be possible without the unwavering support of my darling husband, himself a role model for blind and visually impaired people and recently also diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.

Sneaky peek...
‘ I have laid in the darkness and made myself sleep with my arms spread so that my hands do not touch a single part of my body, my legs and fingers splayed so that no one part graze against the other. the disgust and shame at the very feel of fat filled skin bring a wave of shame so strong it could physically jolt my body and cause cycles of disordered eating for days. ‘

Tell us where we can find you...
Website: https://insideoutosyp.co.uk/tams-journey/
Amanda Peddle on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook,.
TAMs Journey on Facebook.
A bit about the book & What is Love Thy Body Project?
Serena Novelli, Laura Bland and Ana Bonasera are out to change the world by
empowering women to love the skin they are in.
23 real women share their stories of overcoming life’s challenges in a new
collaboration book.
All too often women grow up feeling that they are not enough – not smart enough,
not slim enough, not pretty enough, the list goes on.
Love Thy Body Project was founded in September 2019 with the focus of helping women across the globe to step into their power and be true to themselves.
Utilising workshops, both online and in person (pre-covid), live trainings via social media, blogs, radio interviews, magazine interviews and more, Serena, Laura and Ana have already been able to reach out and help thousands of women.
With a combined social media following of over 22,000 their aim is to continue to grow and make
waves in the world of self-love and body confidence.
Life is never simple or straight forward, we all experience ups and downs, we each
have different challenges and we each deal with them differently.
In the first of what Ana Bonasera, Laura Bland, Serena Novelli
will be a series of books Serena, Laura and Ana help 23 inspirational women to share their stories.
This is not your average book and is not a simple case of learning to love and
appreciate perceived flaws.
Within this book there are 23 unique stories covering mental health issues, domestic abuse, surviving cancer, overcoming the body’s own perceived failings, childhood bullying and so much more.
23 amazing women have bonded, lifted each other up and held space for each other as they shared their writing journey.
Most of these ladies have never embarked on a project like this before.
They have now bared their soul to empower, inspire, uplift and support other women.
The book is due to be released mid November 2020 in both Kindle and paperback format.
Previously featured in/on: BBC Radio Leicester, BBC Radio Oxford, The Loughborough
Echo, The Leicester Mercury, Elastic FM, How To Look Good Naked, Fit and Well
Magazine, Fabulous Magazine, Best, BBC Oxford News, Solihull Radio, plus many