
Living a healthy lifestyle is not about strict diet limitations, trying to be unrealistically thin or depriving yourself of the foods you love. For me, it’s all about feeling great, having more energy, improving my outlook on life and stabilising my mood.
There is some very overwhelming and conflicting diet advice out there, don’t be discouraged, you’re not alone. Let me help you cut thought all this confusion and learn how to create a healthier lifestyle that is good for mind and body.
Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, become fitter, feel better, feel stronger, have more energy, check out these tips to help achieve a healthier improved you.
So today I’m going to talk about Self Care, what it is for me and how I do it.
Self Care for me, means balancing the body and mind to encourage a positive, happy life, day to day.
But why you ask?
You should make some time for yourself each day, even if it’s only for a few mins, after a few days of being more self-aware, you will start to see more positives around you, and it’s also great to aid recovery, post exercise. With our jobs being as stressful as they are these days and we can put stress on our bodies when we are working-for example; bad posture, standing incorrectly, sitting badly at a computer screen, etc. So to counteract all these negatives, we need some positives.

A few suggestions I do to get you started with Self Care:
• Reading
• Meditation
• Walking
• Fascia Blasting
• Foam Rolling
• Journalling
• Knitting
• Spending quality time with loved ones
• Nice Hot Bath with Epsom Salts and Essential Oils
• Yoga/Barre/Pilates/Stretching Exercises
• Following a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Daily including getting plenty of sleep and taking rest days from exercise.
• Sociallising with Like Minded Friends
• Organic, Natural Skincare
• CBD Healing
• And of course lots of other ways…

When and How Often Do I Do?
• Reading- I like to read for a few mins each day if I can, normally before bed. I like to read motivational, self help, self care, lifestyle books, to expand my knowledge in a good and positive way. My favourite book recently was The Telomere Effect, it certainly makes you look at how you do things differently.
• Meditation- I use a free app called ‘Breathe’, you can upgrade to a paid version but I think the free one is good. There are loads of other ones available. I try to do for about 10 minutes before bed. It really helps me calm my mind before bed and helps me get a restful night sleep.
• Journaling– I like to do this for a few minutes first thing and again in the evening. I like to write down what I am doing that day, any appointments I have, record my workouts, how much water I have drunk and what I have eaten. I also like to start my day by saying and writing down affirmations, which I also record in my journal.
Why not check out my very own 90 day journal to support you on your own journey.

• Foam Rolling- I like to do this most evenings, I don’t do for long, maybe about 10 minutes. Only a couple of minutes is needed on each area. I love it on my back and shoulders, being a hairdresser, day to day, they can get a bit achy and tight, so foam rolling helps, break up any knots and lactic acid build up.
• Fascia Blasting- You may or may not of heard of Fascia Blasting before, for more info, where you can also purchase one for yourself or if you are in the UK, we now have an awesome supplier to save of custom charges, etc, highly recommend their service: Fascia Blasting is to be done on warm skin and muscles, so post exercise or I like to do in the shower. There are various oils available to get maximum results. I like the detox oil, an it smells delicious. I have only been using this year, a few times a week, but I’m definitely noticing differences. Maybe when I’m brave enough I’ll share with you all.

• Walking- getting out in nature, with fresh air around you is always going to make you feel better and get those endorphins flying. Get out for 10 minutes in your lunch break, walk round the block after dinner, take the kids to the park and wander, get moving and see the difference it makes to your mindset. 10-15 minutes a day that’s all you need. Plus being outside you will get some Vitamin D, which we all need. This winter a lot of people have been lacking Vitamin D and it just shows how important it is for our everyday energy levels, mood and motivation and much more.
• Healthy Diet and Lifestyle- I like to do everything with intent. If I want to feel good, I need to eat good, if I don’t want to hurt myself I will be mindful of my form, etc, when exercising. You wouldn’t put the wrong fuel in a car, why do we do it to ourselves? I think by starting out each day with good intentions, more positivity will follow the rest of the day. Getting plenty of sleep, 6-8 hours for most is required. And also by taking regular rest days from exercise to allow body to recover and for muscles to replenish and rebuild, as this is when muscles are made. Rest is so important too.
Why not check out my recipe books or meal plans for some ideas to help you!

• Yoga/Pilates/Barre/Stretchy Workouts- once a week I like to throw into the mix, with my exercise some more fluid, slower, stretchy workouts, like yoga or barre. I find having to go slower and focus much more on the movement slows me down on a day to day basis. I also like how the stretches I feel in my muscles and body. Can help with better posture too.

• Hot Bath with Epsom Salts and Essential Oils- I like to have a hot bath in preference to a shower. I don’t always add the salts and oils, sometimes one or the other, sometimes nothing. Depends how long can relax for. If using salts and oils 20 minutes is recommended for maximum benefit and effect. If you’re interested in finding out more about essential oils and their benefits, have a google. Their benefits, when used correctly can be amazing. I like to use Black Pepper, Rosemary, Lemon, Lavender and many more too. I also like to use CBD bath dusts.
To try for yourself, you can buy here!

• Natural Skincare: As with my body, I like to use natural, organic skin care products on my skin. I have tried various over the years working in the industry, but I have found my favourite to actually be CBD Body Oil as a moisturiser. It has balanced my skin and I get much less spots than I ever use to. Plus all organic and natural. For makeup I like to use Younique, again its natural but it also gives proceeds to a women’s support charity, that helps abused women. I love the Liquid Foundation along with their Primer and the Epic Mascara, lovely lashes. Happy Jem.

• Hair Care– As a hairdresser I know the importance of using good hair products. Over the years I have used loads and have lots of favourites from various different companies, not just one range. I use CBD Shampoo and Conditioner, which is fabulous. It lasts ages, smells great and my hair is so strong and shiny. I wash my hair every other day. Every couple of weeks I’ll use a violet based shampoo on it to tone down any nasty yellow tones in the hair. I have it coloured, with bleach every 5 weeks, only the roots. To ensure it stays healthy and strong I have trimmed after every other colour. After I have washed my hair before I allow it to dry naturally, I use the CBD Body Oil to keep my hair looking healthy and strong and protect it from the elements. I’m loving being so blonde right now!
Buy CBD Shampoo and Conditioner and Body Oil, here!

• Hobbies- This can be anything you enjoy doing, from colouring, drawing, art, painting, knitting, crocheting. Make some time for you, work on a project and complete it. Doing something you enjoy and will get satisfaction out of. All good for the body and mind!
• Socialising- Again, good for the body and mind. Surround yourself with like mind, positive people. Most people think of socialising as drinking or eating, well it can still be, just be mindful and aware and if it’s an EWG (Eat Without Guilt) meal, then enjoy it and put behind you and move on. Just don’t make the EWG meal too regular. Wondering what I’m talking about EWG? Check out a recent post I did explaining more.

• CBD Healing: I love, live and believe in the daily benefits of using CBD, I use to help with my stress levels, anxiety and general health. Discover the benefits of CBD here!
Basically my Flawsome friend, everything in balance, enjoy life, and stay Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo

I am not a dietitian or a doctor.
The ideas suggested here, are intended to be used for educational purposes only based on my own personal experiences.
The author ‘Jemma Stevens’ ‘Flawsome Jem’, is not rendering medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe or treat, any disease, condition, injury or illness.
It is imperative before beginning any exercise or nutrition programme, that you receive full medical clearance from your GP (doctor/physician).
Flawsome Jem and Jemma Stevens, claim no responsibility for any person or entity, for any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the use, application or interpretation of the materials presented here.
Please understand there are some links, that I may benefit from financially.
No part of this publication, shall be reproduced, transmitted or sold, in whole, or in part, in any for, without prior written consent from the author.
All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing, are the property of their respective owners.

Flawsome Jem (c) 2019.


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