Jemp Berry, Matcha & Coconut Balls

Happy Hemp Day!

How are you doing?

I’m often talking about hemp protein and many of you contact me, asking for recipe ideas to include hemp protein.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to incorporate hemp protein into your day is to add into a green smoothie, another bonus of a green smoothie is you can top up your daily protein intake with very little effort or messing about. 

Smoothies aren’t for everyone, but for me personally they have been a game changer.

How much Protein does our body actually need?

Well it varies on individual but most active adults could do with consuming about 1 gram of protein per lb or 2.2 grams per kg of bodyweight. (depending on how you measure)

You want to be ensuring you’re getting enough protein in your diet to make sure you feel satiated and are allowing your body to repair.

Sometimes getting protein in with just food alone can be hard, so I suggest supplementing with a good quality complete protein powder.

My favourites is Raised Spirit Hemp Protein, both the plain and Cacao versions are awesome, you can save 10% by entering code: JEMLOCAL (button below)

You can get good quality protein powders in all good health shops and even some supermarkets, like Waitrose these days.

What you to look for when buying protein powder:

  • You want a good quality, complete protein. That hasn’t been sweetened or have any bad preservatives in.
  • Is it a complete protein?
  • Is it sweetened?
  • If so with something natural
  • Is it organic?
  • Is it a certified product?
  • If you answered no to any of the above, then I would avoid.
    Any ingredients ending in ‘ose’
  • Does it contain anything else-meal replacement, ingredients can spell/pronounce?
  • If you answered yes to any of the above, then I would avoid.

    – For further advice reach out to me by email: I’ll happily try and help.

Below is a hemp based Berry, Matcha & Coconut Energy Balls Recipe for you to try, perfect yummy, healthy snack you can keep in the fridge.

Hope you enjoy as much as I do…if you make please tag me on any pics you share. I love seeing you guys share my recipes.

As always, any questions I am always here and happy to help, book a free chat below with myself and let’s get you started on your own healthy hemp and/or CBD journey.

Jemp Berry, Matcha & Coconut Energy Balls:

This makes about 20 balls and will keep for up to a week in fridge. 


  • 1/4 cup of almond flour
  • 1/4 cup of hemp protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut flour (bit extra if too moist)
  • 1 teaspoon of mint matcha
  • 12 blackberries or raspberries (mashed)
  • 3 tablespoons of hemp milk

For decoration:
– Desiccated coconut and dairy free, sugar free, organic white chocolate melted.

How to Make:

  • Mix almond flour, hemp protein, matcha and hemp milk into a paste,
  • Then add 1 tablespoon of coconut flour and mix together,
  • Then add in the raspberries/blackberries and fold in gently to keep diff colour bits,
  • Then add rest of coconut flour and mould into small balls.
  • Then roll in coconut to help with any excess moisture.
  • Put in fridge for 3 hours to firm up.
  • Then melted choc and dipped and drizzled with the White choc.
  • Back in fridge for another hour.

Some benefits of including hemp in your daily diet:

  1. Hemp seeds contain ALL 9 essential amino acids.
  2. Hemp seeds contain more usable protein per gram than almost all other foods.
  3. Hemp seeds do not contain trypsin inhibitors.
  4. Hemp seed contains easily digestible protein.
  5. Hemp seeds contain the perfect 2.5 : 1 balance of essential fatty acids.
  6. Hemp seed farming is beneficial to the environment.

Interesting, hey?

Want to Infuse with CBD?

To infused your balls with CBD you can add your daily dose x7 to your mix, when mixing and treat as normal.

I like to add a couple of drops per bal, so roughly 40 drops for 20 balls.

I like to use Flawsome Jem CBD 10%/1000mg CBD Tincture.

So yummy!

There are so many hemp and CBD products on the market these days, it can be a minefield.

Let me help you cut through the confusion. book a free chat with me below!

Hope you enjoyed reading and found helpful. If you would like to learn more about anything hemp, cannabis or CBD related, let’s chat!

You’re Flawsome!

Lots of love,

Jem xoxo

PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.

I am not making any medical claims in this or any of my other publications. All content I produce, is purely for educational purposes and for sharing my own personal knowledge and experiences of CBD.

P.S. I like to use Raised Spirit Hemp Protein, you can save 10% here! Using code: JEMLOCAL

I Help Overwhelmed, Stressed Out Mum's, Look & Feel Healthier, so You Can Start Living the Healthy Life You Deserve!  Lots of ways I can help you: - Transformational Course; Jemp 4 20, - High quality CBD Products, - Hemp based Recipes, - Meal Plans, - 121 & Group Support, - Health, Nutrition, Mindset, Hemp & CBD Education. Start Living the Life YOU Deserve!
Jemp Berry, Matcha & Coconut Balls
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