8 Tips to Being Flawsome!

Happy Hemp Day!

How are you doing?

Today I thought I’d hop on and share my 8 top tips for being Flawsome!

Hope you find helpful…

As always, any questions I am always here and happy to help, book a free chat below with myself and let’s get you started on your own healthy  journey, ditch the overwhelm and start living that healthy life you deserve.

1. Drink More Water:

Everyday we should be drinking plenty of water to keep us hydrated, flush toxins out of your system, can help you feel full, can also aid weight loss.
Everyone’s needs are different but the minimum amount we should be drinking is 2 litres a day.
If more active then more is required.
Sip smaller amounts through out the day to make it easier.
You don’t want to gulp massive loads of water down.
I like to fill a water bottle and add fruit and herbs like mint and basil to my water to make the flavours more interesting and yummy.
My favourite combination is lemon, strawberries with mint and basil.
So refreshing and almost feeling like you are drinking a cocktail.
And I top my bottle up with more water throughout the day.
Not only am I getting the benefits of the water but also all the benefits and macronutrients from the fruit and herbs in the water. Bonus!
How will you drink more water today? 

2. Eat More Greens (Veg):

Every day you should be eating the rainbow with your fruit and vegetables.
Lots of leafy greens and berries.
If you would like some recipe ideas, check out the recipe section in blog menu above.
– An easy way to do this is with a green smoothie.
– Or load your plate up at dinner with veg.
– Make a vegetable soup.
The list is endless.
How will you add more veg into your day?

3. Move More!

Move more than you usually would!
– Get out for a walk (safely with social distancing),
– find an online class you have wanted to join for ages,
– take the kids for a bike ride (safely with social distancing guidelines for your area),
– go on YouTube and find a quick HIIT to do.
There are millions of ways to get moving and lots of them don’t have to cost anything, so there must be a way of moving that you enjoy.
– Enjoy what you do!
Just put on some shoes and just get outside.
Be at one with nature.
I find just being outside will make you feel better.
Let me know what you do today to move more…

4. Always Make Time For YOU!

I want you to decide to do something just for yourself at least once a week!
Again, as with the exercise it doesn’t have to cost anything.
– Run yourself a nice bath and escape for a bit,
– read a book,
– get some peace and quiet,
– go for a walk on your own or with a loved one (safely, social distanced).
It should be all about you!
It should be your reward for absolutely smashing life, my flawsome friend.

5. Try Something New/ Have a Meat FREE Day, once a week (or more if you wanted):

I want you to think a bit more about what you are eating and putting into your body.
Once a week, or more if you would like to, try to have a ‘meat free’ day or ‘try something new’ to mix things things up a bit, get a variety of nutrients and macronutrients, and help prevent you getting bored of eating the same thing.
Meat Free Recipe Suggestion:
Hemp Seed and Coconut Tempeh Bites
Makes 2 main servings or 4 snack portions:
1 packages of tempeh (cut into inch sized cubes)
¼ cup of hemp hearts (slightly crushed)
¼ cup of ground coconut
Pepper and salt 
1 egg (beaten)
Pre heat oven to 200 while preparing tempeh, cut into cubes, set aside. Beat egg in bowl and season, dip tempeh chunks into egg. In another bowl, put hemp hearts and coconut. Dip the egg coated tempeh chunks into hemp and coconut mix until fully coated. Then place on baking tray and cook for 15-20 mins, turn after 10 mins. Serve with veg and sweet potato fries or coconut quinoa and salad……yummy.
Let me know what you choose to make different/meat free this week…

6. Treat Yourself!:

Once a week, I ask you to Treat Yourself!
And I don’t mean go mad and spend a fortune, but spend a few moments this morning to think what you would really like or makes you feel good, and treat yourself to it.
It doesn’t have to cost money, it might be to go and visit a friend or loved one, that you haven’t seen for a while, a wander round a town you have wanted to visit (when we are allowed, please do so safely.)
Or if you did want to spend some pennies, it doesn’t have to be much, a bunch of flowers, a little present to yourself, dinner out with a loved one (when we are allowed), maybe make it date night for you and your partner at home and have your favourite meal together, watch a movie, etc.? 
Go for a massage? (Again, when safe to do so!)
The list is endless!
What makes you happy?

7. Plan Ahead:

Planning for the week ahead!
On a Sunday I like to plan for my week ahead, so first I decide what meals I’m going to have and write a shopping list, then come home and prep the food and write my meal plan for the week out in black and white.
After this I like to plan my workouts, so I’ll look at my choices/follow calendar pre-planned workouts that I’m following and write them on my planner too.
Again, seeing them written down in black and white, it makes me want to complete them.
So more chance to succeed in the week ahead. 
I also print out a week’s worth of my daily journals off and write in work hours, appointments I have, when I plan to workout and rest, and anything else I feel I need to put down in advance.
Then I feel ready to face my week ahead.
It sounds like lots to do, and maybe the first few times you try it, it might be, but now this only takes a short time and means I have a more successful week ahead and I feel organised and rearing to go.
So let’s get planning…
Let me know how you do your planning, I’d love to see your version of success my Flawsome friend.

8. Use CBD Consistently:

CBD can help to maintain your health and a healthy lifestyle.

I offer a wide selection of high quality, lab tested CBD products via my website, check out the shop link in menu.

But it really comes down to the integrity of the brand.

If a brand looks sketchy it probably is.

Always look at the “other ingredients.

If the company doesn’t have reviews on their Website, Facebook, Trust Pilot, Google pages that’s another indication to leave them alone.

When people in the cannabis, hemp and CBD community find a great product they shout it from the rooftops.

There are so many CBD products on the market these days, it can be a minefield.

Let me help you cut through the confusion. book a free chat with me below!

Hope you enjoyed reading and found helpful. If you would like to learn more about anything hemp, cannabis or CBD related, let’s chat!

You’re Flawsome!

Lots of love,

Jem xoxo

PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.

I am not making any medical claims in this or any of my other publications. All content I produce, is purely for educational purposes and for sharing my own personal knowledge and experiences of CBD.

I Help Overwhelmed, Stressed Out Mum's, Ditch the Overwhelm, Look & Feel Healthier, so You Can Start Living the Healthy Life You Deserve!  Lots of ways I can help you: - Transformational Course; Jemp 4 20, - High quality CBD Products, - Hemp based Recipes, - Meal Plans, - 121 & Group Support, - Health, Nutrition, Mindset, Hemp & CBD Education. Start Living the Life YOU Deserve!
8 Tips to Being Flawsome!
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