Happy Hemp Day!
How are you doing?
So, first blog of 2021, happy new year and best wishes to you for this coming year! Just to let you know. blogs will be fortnightly instead of weekly this year.
Let’s talk about the bioavailability of the most commonly used methods of CBD and get maximum results from your CBD routine.
Hope you enjoy reading and find helpful.
As always, any questions I am always here and happy to help, book a free chat below with myself and let’s get you started on your own healthy Hemp & CBD journey.
Before deciding which time of day is best for you, it is important to understand that the delivery method used for CBD changes when and how often it should be used.
This is because each method is absorbed differently in the body, some more quickly than others while some have a slow, but long-lasting, effect.

Vaping CBD:
Inhalation using a vape pen is a fast delivery method. Since CBD is quickly absorbed through the alveoli of the lungs, the CBD hits the bloodstream quickly. Within minutes of inhalation, CBD reaches peak levels in the bloodstream.
This means the effects can wear off quickly, too. Whatever your goal might be for using CBD, a vape pen is probably best used on an as-needed basis in addition to regular supplementation using other methods.
Vaping or inhaling CBD is probably the most prevalent method of use around the world. People believe it to have the fastest absorption rate and gets more CBD into your bloodstream.
Many people that suffer from migraines report that vaping CBD has been entirely curative. The CBD will pass via your lungs into the bloodstream. It’s that simple. This information gives way for the brain to easily be reached by CBD, giving you relief from migraines.
Capsules & Edibles:
Cannabidiol is available in an edible form, swallowed in a capsule or taken through a gummy. There are also products that dissolve into a drink. Since these methods have to be digested first before the CBD enters the bloodstream, they’re slower acting. It can take 1 to 6 hours to reach peak CBD levels in the bloodstream.
For this reason, this delivery method is best used with a goal of supplementing for the long-term and won’t work well on an as-needed basis. Deciding on the best time of day for this method of delivery comes with two considerations — what fits your lifestyle and when you eat.
Remembering supplements and medications isn’t easy. To consistently keep up with daily CBD supplementation, weave it into your routine in a convenient way. Take it alongside other supplements or at the same time each day. Since eating when you take an edible or capsule can increase the bioavailability of the CBD, it is a good idea to take this form alongside food.

Oral Delivery:
Capsules and tinctures are assumed to reach the endocannabinoid system easily, which increases the chances of the digestive system absorbing the CBD. On the other hand, a mass majority of clinical researchers disagree. They say that not all CBD reaches your endocannabinoid system. Many researchers agree that only a percentage of the CBD consumed passes into, and through the bloodstream.
On the other hand, if you measure out your dose well, tinctures (droppers) definitely can help meet therapeutic targets. Note that CBD capsules take the longest time to completely travel your digestive system, which may be a sign they don’t get you the full benefits CBD has to offer. Tinctures (droppers), however, absorb quickly when the oil is placed under the tongue and left to absorb for 1-2 minutes. Don’t swallow tinctures straight as it is less effective and will have the same effect as a capsule.
Oils and tinctures are typically taken by placing them under the tongue where they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream at a receptor site. This delivery method isn’t as fast acting as inhalation, but it is still fairly quick with CBD reaching the bloodstream somewhere between five and 20 minutes after use. The effects of oral delivery are longer acting than vaping, however, and it can take hours for peak levels to be reached in the bloodstream.
As far as timing goes, this method can be used as a daily supplement once or twice a day or taken as needed. Even though it doesn’t need to be digested, using CBD right after eating may increase absorption of CBD so it is a good idea to take alongside a meal or snack.
Capsules and tinctures are assumed to reach the endocannabinoid system easily, which increases the chances of the digestive system absorbing the CBD. On the other hand, a mass majority of clinical researchers disagree. They say that not all CBD reaches your endocannabinoid system. Many researchers agree that only a percentage of the CBD consumed passes into, and through the bloodstream.

The highest concentration of CB receptors is in the nervous and digestive systems, but the skin has a huge number of both CB1 and CB2 receptors in the cutaneous nerve bundles, mast cells, and epidermal keratinocytes, as well as the epithelial cells in the hair follicles and also in the sweat and sebaceous glands.
This means that topical applications of even small amounts CBD can have quite significant effects when it comes to local pain relief as those cells can quite quickly absorb and make use of the CBD as its applied.
Please bear in mind that CBD isn’t like a prescription medication, you won’t get an instant result.
Your ECS has been dormant since you were a baby, it’ll take a week or more to feel the full effects of your CBD working.
Information on this page is not intended to replace medical advice given by your Doctor.
CBD users have offered up varying anecdotal reports about how CBD makes them feel.
Some say that they feel energized after use while others report it having a calming effect. It is helpful to pay attention to how CBD affects you as you decide on the best time of day for using CBD.
Feeling energized?
Take it with your morning meal or at lunch time not only to feel better throughout the day but to avoid sleeplessness at night.
If a calming effect is your typical experience, considering waiting until the evening meal to take CBD.
The effect of CBD can vary from person to person, so don’t be afraid to make changes to when and how you use CBD based on how you feel.
A healthcare provider who works with cannabis products may be able to offer additional insight into getting the best results.
PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.

There are so many products on the market these days, it can be a minefield.
Let me help you cut through the confusion. book a free no obligation chat with me below!
Hope you enjoyed reading and found helpful. If you would like to learn more about anything hemp, cannabis or CBD related, let’s chat!
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo
PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.
I am not making any medical claims in this or any of my other publications. All content I produce, is purely for educational purposes and for sharing my own personal knowledge and experiences of CBD.

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I can help in a variety of ways including;
- Large Range of High quality CBD Products,
- 121 Support & Coaching,
- Hemp & CBD Education.
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