Feeling SAD?

Hey there my Flawsome friend,
For those of you who celebrate, hope you had a great day celebrating yesterday and more than likely today as well, those of you in the UK.
What did you do for Christmas day?
How do you like to spend your time?
I spent the day with my family, eating delicious food with great company.
I announced the winner of my Flawsome Wellness Bundle from Flawsome Jem and Good Hemp via Instagram and Facebook on Monday, to find out who won, check out Facebook and Instagram. Giveaway closed-just showing prize again!

The weather has been a bit miserable recently here in the UK and I’ve spoken to a lot of people who are really struggling at the moment.

  • Are you feeling SAD?
  • Do you lack energy or find it hard to control your appetite?

It could be due to SAD!

When winter sets in, I know I have to take extra care of myself and be religious about my routines-healthy habits are crucial when the temperature starts dropping.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has similar symptoms to depression and we can all suffer from it in varying degrees.

The greatest factor is the reduced daylight, which has been proven to have links to appetite and energy levels. It can hard work in the morning trying to muster the energy to get yourself out of bed, with the darker mornings.
If you do find yourself feeling this way, it’s important to take action now-it is much harder to find the motivation when you’re in the middle of winter.
While the following tips are not cure’ s for SAD, I find they work for me and my clients. Some sound obvious, but they really will affect how you feel over the next few months.

1. Prioritise your workouts-even if they are in the comfort of your home. You’re be preparing a strong body for summer, while keeping up those endorphins.

2. Prepare your wardrobe for an active lifestyle-layering clothes is essential. Invest in trainers and good walking boots that keep you warm. I try to average about 10,000 steps a day and I make sure I get outside in the daylight, even if it’s just for 20 mins. Also if the sun is out-seek it!

3. If you work in a space with no natural daylight-try a light therapy lamp. Get one that can sit on your desk, it flexes down and has adjustable brightness because your eyes will take some time getting used to it.

4. At weekends- I love to relax with a good book. Enjoy feeling energised and ready to relax after your daily movement.
5. Pay particular attention to eating well-include protein, good fats, some complex carbs and of course loads of greens at every meal. Balancing your blood sugar levels helps your mood and keeps your weight stable.

6. You should get your nutrients from a sound diet- but sometimes we need a little extra help. I like to add to my smoothies in the morning some pink superfood powder, see more below and I also like to take a Vitamin D supplement-which is normally produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency can leave you feeling weak, which you may blame on the winter blues. Get yourself tested by a doc if you’re unsure.

7. Follow a regular sleep pattern- try going to bed at the same time every night, wake at same time, this way you will have optimal REM sleep, the foundation to winter wellness.

I find keeping track via a planner or journal is a great way to track your positive changes. Need a journal to help you?
Check out my 90 Day Journal: ’90 Days to a More Flawsome You!’ here!
I’ll leave it there for today.
Happy New Year to you and Best Wishes for 2019! Thank you for all the support this year, it means the world to me, love each and every one of you, thank you.
I look forward to getting to know you better and sharing your healthy journey with you this coming year.
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo

Feeling SAD?

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