Happy Hemp Day!
How are you doing?
Guest blog today from the incredibly knowledgeable, US based CBD Health Writer, Rachel Hudson.
Today she will be sharing how to boost your immune system with CBD.
Rachel: ” The Immune System is a combination of healthy substances that protect the body from bacteria, germs, and other disease-causing agents. Hop in and learn more on CBD for the immune system. ”
Hope you enjoy reading and find helpful.
As always, any questions I am always here and happy to help, book a free chat below with myself and let’s get you started on your own healthy Hemp & CBD journey.
How to boost the Immune System with CBD Oil:
” The Immune System is a combination of healthy substances that protect the body from bacteria, germs, and other disease-causing agents. Hop in and learn more on CBD for the immune system. ”
The body immune is a full system that combines many activities. For instance, the white blood cells sense foreign invaders’ presence in the body and react by releasing antibodies. So the white blood cells are always busy looking for invaders in every part of the body. The antibodies recognize the presence of toxins from the invaders and develop strategies to counteract the attack.
The body proteins and a network of lymphatic systems work together to control and neutralize the attack. The spleen and the bone marrow filter and rejuvenate the cells to recover from the invasion response activities. That’s why the diet and whatever ingested in the human body is significant in supporting or destroying the immune system.
Hop in and let us learn how to strengthen the immune system using CBD oils.

How to strengthen the immune system:
Nature provides many ways of strengthening the immune system and the surest process in leading a healthy life.
It means controlling whatever ingests in the body, maintaining a healthy weight, minimizing stress, and getting adequate sleep.
The immune system flops with age, and that’s why more precautionary measures are essential as the life expectancy gap closes.
Older people attract life-threatening conditions because of compromised immune systems, and a perfect example is in COVID19, whose prevalence is high in individuals of 65 years and above.
Therefore, it’s advisable to continually boost the immune system to be on the safe side.
Health Benefits:
CBD has a substantial impact on increasing the body’s immune system. The cannabinoid products have strong anti-inflammatory properties that work as immunomodulators and immunosuppressants.
Remember, CBD reduces the production of cytokines, a compound responsible for inflammation, and ideally, the most chronic and life-threatening conditions start with inflammation.
CBD for the immune system is a safe, tried, and tested procedure.
For instance, CBD syrup review shows that CBD oil is an essential component of its supplement used in adding nutrition similar to non-GMO food and natural hemp.

CBD Oil & Health Care:
Yes, CBD oil is good for immunity, and it’s imperative to possess clear information about the right CBD dosages to avoid intoxication. Studies show that most chronic illnesses also arise from autoimmune diseases. It means that the body starts attacking the healthy organs, tissue, and cells instead of protecting them. The attacks compromise the immune systems creating an avenue for diseases and life-threatening conditions.
CBD products work excellent at regulating the damage caused by autoimmune receptors to restore the body to the primary position. The CBD oil also helps sustain healthy microbiota in the gut system that promotes healthy digestion and aids in supporting the impaired intestinal system.
In such circumstances, the CBD oil combines activities with the human endocannabinoid system to reduce the gut’s inflammatory aspects, promoting overall immunity. Again, CBD oil regulates the cerebral blood flow, which relieves neurological stress touching on the cingulate cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala.

How to Use CBD Oil & Boost Your Immunity:
CBD oil is sold in different forms.
For instance, some people prefer the CBD oils engulfed in cigarettes and salves.
A significant applies CBD oils from creams and sprays. At the same time, others consume the oil from pastes, capsules, and liquid form.
Thus, it’s advisable to use a cannabidiol product that easily resonates with the body, weight, and health.
If wondering how to use CBD oil?
It starts with low concentration as you advanced to higher dosages.
Remember, it takes about 15 to 30 minutes for CBD absorption in the bloodstream, and the effect is live for a few hours.
Thus, the complexity and impact of CBD oil depending on the partaker.
Factors such as physical activity, diet, weight, and age determine the CBD product’s right dosage. However, it’s imperative to confirm whether the CBD oil is broad-spectrum or full spectrum.
For the broad spectrum, the oil contains the cannabinoids aspects of marijuana without the THC.
In contrast, the full spectrum oil is a combination of all cannabinoids from marijuana—THC, and CBD.
If still confused on what strength CBD oil to begin with the journey to boosting immunity, then start with a low concentration of sublingual products and edibles since the body takes about 20% to 30% for complete absorption.
As the body readjusts to high concentration, then consume the cannabidiol through smoking and vaping. In such circumstances, the body takes about 34 to 56%, depending on the person.
Bottom Line:
CBD products are perfect for boosting the body’s immunity.
They work at relieving inflammation to regulate the cells and organ functions and thus boosting immunity.
Remember, CBD has intense activity on the blood flow that ensures efficient transfers of nutrients to all body segments.
CBD products help relieve stress and anxiety conditions that strain the immune system and create a haven for disease-causing microbes.
Most chronic illness emanates from stress and anxiety, and thus, CBD for the immune system refutes the growth of stress receptors to restore the body to the standard functions.
Are you a fan of CBD products in boosting immunity?
Share more on the journey and your achievements.
Author’s Bio: Rachel Hudson loves CBD products, and she believes her journey of 10 years is now softer thanks to CBD oil in reducing the chemo effects and pain associated with cancer. She recommends the oils to anyone suffering from chronic illness.

Thank you for all this amazing info Rachel.
There are so many products on the market these days, it can be a minefield.
Let me help you cut through the confusion. book a free no obligation chat with me below!
Hope you enjoyed reading and found helpful. If you would like to learn more about anything hemp, cannabis or CBD related, let’s chat!
You’re Flawsome!
Lots of love,
Jem xoxo
PLEASE NOTE: CBD is neither a medicine nor a cure for any illness and by no means do we make any medical claims. CBD can help to maintain and support your health and a healthy lifestyle.
I am not making any medical claims in this or any of my other publications. All content I produce, is purely for educational purposes and for sharing my own personal knowledge and experiences of CBD.