2 days till my new flavourless broad spectrum water soluble CBD drops are launching, so today I thought I’d hop on and share more about water soluble CBD and why use!
Relax and Unwind with CBD
Let me show you how to take some time out and chill out and how to add in your self care routine this Christmas or anytime!
Why Flavoured CBD Tinctures?
Why use a flavoured CBD Tincture instead of an unflavoured one? Also showing you my range of flavoured tinctures…
Drinking Your CBD
Let’s talk about the benefits of drinking CBD as a way to supplement your daily routine and showing you my new luxury CBD teas.
CBD and Hemp Oils for Coronavirus Stress: How it Works!
Guest blog from the incredible Rachel Hudson. Rachel is a freelance cannabis health writer, she has written for numerous canna publications and lives in New York.
Interview with Tracy Norton
An interview with Tracy Norton interviewing co author Tracy as part of my exclusive series with my co authors.
Interview with Serena Novelli
An interview with Serena Novelli interviewing co founder of Love Thy Body Project Serena as part of my exclusive series with my co authors. Serena doesn’t actually write a chapter in the book…
Cooking with CBD & Choc Protein Muffin Recipe
Learn how to cook with CBD, it’s not as scary as you think! FREE Chocolate Protein Muffin Recipe included too, one of my faves! So yummy!
Interview with Jemma Stevens
An interview with myself, interviewing co author Jemma Stevens as part of my exclusive series with my co authors.
Interview with Holly Hitchen
An interview with Holly Hitchen, interviewing co author Holly as part of my exclusive series with my co authors.