(Guest blog written by Shelia Johnson from Wellshelia.)
Sometimes healthy living is equated with spending a lot of money on gym memberships, personal trainers, and costly organic food. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. In some ways, living frugally can reduce stress and lead to better health. Maintaining your health can make you eligible for less expensive life insurance. Read on for tips from Flawsome Jem for staying within your budget and enhancing your health.
Consider Your Transportation
If you walk or ride your bicycle rather than driving, at least some of the time, you’ll save money on gas and parking fees, as well as get more exercise. If walking to work is not feasible, you can take public transportation and even get off the bus a few blocks before your destination so you get in some extra walking. If you walk 30 minutes a day, four days a week, you’ll begin to reap health benefits. And the walking doesn’t have to be done in one session; 10 minutes here and there throughout the day lowers your risk for diabetes and many cancers and can provide stress relief.
Grocery Shop Carefully
Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry or tired. Plan most of your meals and snacks, make a list before you go, and stick to it. When possible, buy food in bulk. Avoid highly processed foods, and buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Buy off-season produce frozen. Incorporate less expensive proteins, like eggs, legumes, and nuts into your meals. Buy less meat and less expensive cuts of meat. If your situation permits, try growing some of your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers. If you do a bit of research, you may find that some ingredients can be bought less expensively online.
Exercise is not limited to the gym
You can stay fit without a gym membership. You can create a home gym with some inexpensive weights, an exercise mat, and some resistance bands. Going for a walk or running outdoors costs nothing. Try visiting local parks, trails, and community centres. Many exercise videos available online are free.
Prepare meals at home
Cooking from scratch takes more time than ordering carry-out meals, but you’ll have more control over ingredients, and the savings can be enormous. You can cook large amounts of food and freeze some of it for nights when you’re too tired to make dinner from scratch. Consider using a slow cooker or crock pot — you can start the meal in the morning, and it will be ready when you get home from work.
Cooking at home is a great way to not only save money but also ensure that you’re eating healthy meals. Augment your home eating habits with healthy snacks like fruit and nuts as well. It’s also vital to keep your body hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water every day.
Consider starting a business based on healthy living
Once healthy habits become part of your life, you may want to start a business promoting these things. You might want to teach exercise classes, create a blog, sell premade frozen meals, or sell exercise clothing or equipment. You’ll need to create a business plan that describes what products or services you will offer, how you will market and sell your products, how the business will be structured, and how you’ll acquire the funding you may need.
Your business will need a logo that makes a good impression and makes your brand noticeable. You can save money by designing your own logo. You can select the style, colours, and font you want. Consider using software designed to help you make a logo and download it.
Other tips
We all have “emergency times” when we’re too busy or exhausted to cook. This is a great time to lean on the frozen meals you’ve prepared or to eat a pre-made frozen pizza (it’s good to keep one or two on hand). To spice it up, you can add your own ingredients, like olives, peppers, or bacon. Allow yourself the occasional splurge on a meal out.
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be costly. In fact, some research indicates that those who live frugally are more likely to be healthy. And those who are healthy have fewer medical expenses, so healthy living and managing your money carefully can go hand in hand. Living economically involves research and planning, but once you establish a good routine, it will become your new normal.
For holistic health coaching and supplies to help you feel your best, visit Flawsome Jem today!
Guest blog written by Shelia Johnson. You can find Shelia at: wellshelia.net, feel free to reach out to her directly via email: sheliaj@wellshelia.net
Shelia will be sharing more guest blogs with us all soon.
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