Guest blog from Sharon Emanuel, Flawsome Jem CBD’s first and currently only Brand Ambassador and has her own brand CanbedonewithCBD, where Sharon educates all things mental health, fibromyalgia, here she is sharing some of her journey so far…. enjoy! Hope this helps you!
mini series/top tips educational based blog posts from Flawsome Jem.
Looking After YOU!
Looking after yourself is so important so you can show up everyday as your best self for you, loved ones, your family and those around you. Sharing how I look after myself with daily selfcare…
Setting Yourself Up For Success
Planning ahead can make all the differnce between success and failure when trying to achieve something in your life. Why not check out my top tips here…
Ditch the Overwhelm!
Is life a little too much right now? Do you want to ditch the overwhelm in your life? Check out Flawsome Jem’s top tips for ditching the overwhelm!
Nutrition 101
Mini Nutrition 101 with Flawsome Jem, sharing my top nutrition based tips to help you succeed!
8 Tips to Being Flawsome!
Sharing my Top Tips for Success, or as I call it Flawsomeness!
Diet and Our Endocannabinoid System
Learn more about the Endocannabinoid system (ECS) and how our diet can affect our ECS.
Learn more about the importance of selfcare and some ideas for you.
Tracking Progress
How do you track progress? Let me share my way with you.
Enjoy Yourself Without Guilt
Would you like to learn how to enjoy food without any guilt? Let me show you my way!